Wednesday, June 23, 2010

San Fran Style

I was lucky to be able to make a stop in San Francisco with my parents to visit my brother, Brad, for a day. We mainly did the touristy things such as a visit Pier 39 to see the Sea Lions, eat clam chowder soup in bread bowls, walk this pier that overlooks Alcatraz and the Golden Gate Bridge, eat Dungeness crab and marvel at the street performers. The last time we were in San Fran, my parents witnessed two completely naked guys walking around with only a camera around their neck. Tourists would gawk & take pictures of them and in return, they would take pictures with the camera around their neck. There were no naked guy sightings this trip, but.. my dad offered to take a family's picture with their camera..and my dad (being the goofball he is) decided to jokingly run off with their camera. Unfortunately, I wasn't there to witness this, but my mom pretended she wasn't related to my dad. haha. Typical Micha. That's all for San Fran.. Next stop...OAHU, HAWAII.


  1. You are a lobster, Bradster ;-)

  2. Wow...Brad actualy has some color! I'm impressed! Tara be careful and have a blast! :)

  3. Thanks Aunt Stacey-- Ill be careful ;-) Not tooo much cliff jumping...

  4. Hahaha that Micha story is hilarious!
